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EGR 2103 Statics

Prerequisites: PHY 1943, and completion of or concurrent enrollment in MAT 1224.

Vector analysis of force systems applied to particles and rigid bodies and free body diagrams. Engineering applications of equilibrium; of moments, internal forces, and friction; and of centroids, centers of gravity, and moments of inertia. 


ME 5453 Advanced Strength of Materials

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in engineering or consent of instructor. 

Failure theories, energy methods, advanced topics in bending, torsion, and stress concentration 


ME 5173 Mechanical Behavior of Materials

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in engineering or consent of instructor. 

Mechanical behavior of engineering materials (metals, alloys, ceramics, and polymers) elasticity, dislocation theory, strengthening mechanism, fracture, fatigue, creep, and oxidation.

ME 4603 Finite Element Analysis


Prerequisites:  EGR 3323ME 2173, and ME 3823

Finite element method fundamentals, advanced geometric modeling of mechanical components and systems, and finite element modeling of components.


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