Awards and Recognitions

Congratulations to our Ph.D. student, Juan Camilo Velasquez, for receiving first place as the best presentation during the "Mechanical Engineering Student Research Seminar" at UTSA.

Congratulations to our MSc. student, Melvin Hernandez, for receiving first place as the best poster during the "Mechanical Engineering Student Research Seminar" at UTSA.

Congratulations to our Ph.D. student, David Risk, for receiving second place as the best presentation during the "Mechanical Engineering Student Research Seminar" at UTSA.

Congratulations to our Ph.D. student, Juan Sebastian Rincon, for receiving an award to attend the "Future Faculty Workshop at SES 2023".

Congratulations to Dr. Aristizabal for being recognized as "Postdoctoral Fellow of the year" during the postdoc appreciation week at UTSA.

Congratulations to our Ph.D. student, Juan Camilo Velasquez, for receiving a fellowship from "The Roberto Rocca Foundation Scholarship Program." Juan Camilo is working in our group, developing new techniques for sensitivity analysis and optimization for wave propagation problems.

Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Juan Camilo Velasquez for being selected as "Trailblazer in Engineering Fellow" by Purdue University. Juan Camilo's remarkable scholarly achievements, coupled with his dedication to expanding representation and diversity in engineering, have earned him this esteemed opportunity.

Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Juan David Navarro for receiving the "Roberto Rocca Fellowship". Juan is working in our group developing new methods for sensitivity analysis applied to Structural Health Monitoring

Congratulations to our MS student Drishya Dahal for receiving the "Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship". Drishya is working in our group developing new methods to study the adhesion resistance of coatings for the automotive industry.

Congratulations to our Ph.D. students Juan Sebastian Rincon Tabares, Juan Camilo Velasquez, and our undergraduate student Hayden Bilbo for winning the student poster competition at the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 2021 virtual meeting with the work entitled: “A Novel Cardiac Patch for Treating Myocardial Infarction.”

Dr. Restrepo received the Best Professor of The Year Award in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Course: ME 5453 Advanced Strength of Materials.

Our very own Joshua Gale received the "best in college" award in the College of Engineering research showcase. He presented the work that he is developing in my lab to improve bandages for treating chronic wounds.

Our lab exhibit about materials was voted as one of the favorite exhibits by high school students during the Engineering Week UTSA. The ME department got a nice trophy to showcase!!
Presentations and Publications with Undergraduate students
Tabares, J.S.R., Velásquez, J.C., Bilbo, H., Han, H.C. and Restrepo, D., 2021. Novel Architected Material for Cardiac Patches. JOM, pp.1-9.
Berard, D., Navarro, J.D., Bascos, G., Harb, A., Feng, Y., De Lorenzo, R., Hood, R.L. and Restrepo, D., 2021. Novel expandable architected breathing tube for improving airway securement in emergency care. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 114, p.104211.
Hernandez-Hinojosa, E., Nawn, C.D., Abbott, C., Astorga, D., Jain, P., Restrepo, D. and Hood, R.L., 2020. Bioinspired robotic exoskeleton for endotracheal intubation. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(6), pp.12167-12176.
Enebechi C. N., Zhang Y., Restrepo D., Zavattieri P.D. Modelling of Phase Transforming Cellular Materials (PXCM). https://nanohub.org/resources/26939
Jarrold G.F, Restrepo D., Mankame N.D., Zavattieri P.D. Cylindrical Shell based Phase Transforming Cellular Materials: Designing a Recoverable Energy Dissipating Material. (August 3, 2017). The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Symposium. Paper 9.
Cleveland J.M., Restrepo D., Zhang Y., Zavattieri P.D., Mankame N.D., Mechanical Investigation of Phase-Transforming Cellular and Origami Materials. (August 4, 2016). The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Symposium. Paper 30.
Aljabi N.N., Zavattieri P.D., Restrepo D., Phase Transforming Cellular Materials (PXCMs) Design and Assembly. The Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research: Vol. 6, Article 21